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  5. Student room - Student accommodation Clermont Ferrand, France

Student rental in Clermont-Ferrand - Page 1

Are you looking for student accommodation in Clermont-Ferrand ?


Discover our new Canopée residence !


Cardinal Campus offers student residences close to schools and universities throughout France. Clermont-Ferrand is a very student-oriented city with more than 40,000 students spread over 2 universities and numerous grandes écoles. Students have a wide choice of courses.


The Canopée student residence is ideally located, close to the dental faculty, and a few steps from the tramway line A. Clermont-Ferrand has a bus network, a tramway line, as well as numerous bicycle facilities, which allow you to get to the four corners of the city.


Book the student residence of your choice now !


In a few clicks, you can submit your application. All you have to do is move in !

> Keep reading


During this period, the minimum booking for this residence is 180 days.

Not only a student residence...

This new Cardinal Campus Canopée residence is part of our new generation of collaborative residence : Chill Room, wash bar, fitness room, terraces... and will be spiced up throughout the year with various events so that our tenants can live a unique experience.


Our events are organized throughout the year and our team listens to our tenants to ensure that they have a unique and friendly experience: Chill Room with a relaxation area and work space, gym and Wash Bar.


Our team listens to our tenants to ensure that they have a unique and friendly experience.

Events are organized throughout the year: Halloween contest, Christmas party…



When you move into one of our student residences, you will benefit from a range of additional services to make your life easier: personalised welcome by your residence manager, free internet connection, secure entrance, etc.




Cardinal Campus offers the possibility of quickly reserving student accommodation in the residence of your choice thanks to its online reservation system. In just a few clicks, reserve your flat, submit your application, and all that's left to do is move in !

    > Check our availabilities now !

Not only a student residence...

Une résidence étudiante à Clermont-Ferrand à proximité des écoles et université

Clermont-Ferrand possède 2 universités ainsi que 6 grandes écoles où étudier. Vous aurez donc le choix parmi tous les cursus proposés par les écoles et les universités de la ville. 

Canopée, notre résidence étudiante à Clermont-Ferrand, est proche des écoles ENSACF, ESC Business School, de la faculté dentaire et de l’université Clermont Auvergne. Les autres grandes écoles sont accessibles via la ligne de tramway A qui passe devant la résidence. Si vous souhaitez effectuer une classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles, trois lycées proposent ce type de formation: économique, littéraire ou scientifique.

Un logement étudiant à Clermont-Ferrand dans une résidence collaborative

Notre résidence étudiante à Clermont-Ferrand dispose de logements allant du studio au T3. Dans tous les logements, vous avez à votre disposition une kitchenette, un coin nuit, un coin bureau, et une salle de bains. Évidemment tout est meublé et vous disposez d’une connexion internet gratuite.

En plus de votre espace privé dans votre studio étudiant à Clermont-Ferrand, vous pouvez profiter des espaces communs comme la chillroom et la fitness room pour retrouver les autres locataires.